The following guidance applies specifically to sanctioned scrimmages:
Scrimmage and Friendly are synonymous and refer to matches between two teams carded to USSF affiliates not scheduled as a league competition or a tournament competition.
To be sanctioned, the scrimmage MUST be assigned by a NJ SRC-approved assignor. The assignor will advise the referee(s) of the details of the scrimmage.
Matches will always have a designated Referee. If two or three officials are present the additional official(s) are assistant referees. We NEVER use a dual-whistle system like high school.
All participants must possess a valid pass – No Pass, No Play – No Exceptions (unless approved in advance by the SYRA). Do not contact the SYRA on scrimmage day if there was no approval provided in advance!
All participants on ONE team must have passes from the SAME competition authority (e.g. either all US Club or all US/NJ Youth Soccer).
It is the responsibility of the Referee to inspect passes and to hold all passes for the duration of the match.
Teams of different ages and genders can compete in a scrimmage, provided all other NJYS or US Club requirements as appropriate are met.
Unless otherwise indicated, the Laws of the Game with the appropriate youth modifications shall apply.
Teams may arrange rules in advance with the assignor (such as length, substitutions, etc.) for the scrimmage provided they do not compromise safety. The assignor will advise the assigned crew.
Teams may agree to rules at or during the scrimmage provided they do not compromise safety. Should two teams not be able to agree, the referee crew shall apply the rules normally in affect for the age, gender, and primary league of the home team.
Referees will report serious injuries, send-offs/dismissals, and other notable incidents to the assignor of record and to:
For NJYS-carded teams, Ryan Foley (ryan@njyouthsoccer.com)
For US Club-carded teams, Mike Cullina (mcullina@usclubsoccer.org)
For other USSF affiliates not listed – the NJ SYRA (syra@njrefs.com)
For all, the NJ SYRA (syra@njrefs.com)
Questions from referees shall be directed to the assignor of record. Questions from assignors shall be directed to the NJ State Youth Referee Administrator.